Post by mercedes carissa nott on May 19, 2011 7:45:58 GMT -5
hogwarts faculty school heads headmaster: albus dumbledore deputy head: minerva mcgonagall
house heads gryffindor: minerva mcgonagall slytherin: horace slughorn hufflepuff: pomona sprout ravenclaw: filius flitwick
professors transfiguration: minerva mcgonagall potions: horace slughorn herbology: pomona sprout charms: filius flitwick defence against the dark arts: astronomy: philip valter history of magic: care of magical creatures: divination: thomas barnes arithmancy: johnathan trelawney muggle studies: russel port study of ancient runes:
others librarian: effie wilde healer: poppy pomfrey caretaker: argus filch keeper of keys and grounds: rubeus hagrid