Post by severus allen snape on May 3, 2011 22:16:13 GMT -5
NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE THE BAD MAN TO BE THE SAD MAN BEHIND BLUE EYES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students at Hogwarts didn't usually learn the dangerous potions, which of course had always perplexed Severus. He felt that if class discussion could turn to the unforgivable curses at any moment that he was entitled to learning to make such things as temporary cures for Lycanthropy and most importantly Draught of Living Death. He wasn't going to kill any one, and he most certainly wasn't going to pretend to do so either. Severus was simply just trying to learn the necessary things that he might need to survive. Potions was just as necessary as skill as knowing your charms and jinxes, and now nearing his sixth year at Hogwarts, Severus was determined to master this lucrative subject. He just needed one ingredient, one that shops in diagon alley didn't keep on their shelves: Asphodel.
Not that it sounded particularly menacing or anything of that sort, but this little ingredient brought Severus into Knockturn Alley. Once before he had stumbled into the place, lost and confused, as he searched for his school supplies before Lily showed up. This second time through wasn't nearly as scary as before, and although the streets were narrow, the shops were overflowing with dark materials, and a sort of "group" of hags was following him wherever he went, Severus felt strangely like he belonged. Knockturn Alley offered him everything he needed, at a fair price as long as he didn't back down, and it was shielded perfectly from the rest of his classmates who were no doubt buying their brand new textbooks and ice cream sundaes right now. Knockturn Alley wasn't quite as bad at adults seemed to say, and here, for once, Severus walked with his head held a little higher.
The apothecaries turned him away. For a good, long hour Severus stopped into shop after shop and inquired after the rare little plant. Kicking his sneakers against the cobbled path, Severus dug his hands into his pockets and mumbled to himself. "Somewhere must carry it. Its one of the last potions on my list..." His voice trailed off as he stood now before one of the last shops on the alley. Borgin & Burkes. Not exactly the place with the most fair trade, but it was a shop none the less. Severus pulled his hands out of his pocket and pushed open the door. The small jingle of the bell sounded off, practically knocking some dust off the shelves near by. The shop was dimly lit, nothing new compared to everywhere else he had been that day, and it smelled faintly of dead, or dying, house elves. Severus stood in the doorway and peered through towards the back, watching the hunched over shopkeeper make his way to the counter. Without hesitation, without a ring of nervousness in his voice, Severus gestured to the shop and spoke. "Afternoon. Do you have any Asphodel on your shelves. I'll pay a high price."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- four eighty-five words
Post by hunter caspian rein on Jul 8, 2011 17:58:29 GMT -5
knockturn alley was …an interesting little land, wasn’t it? a black market, if you will. it surprised hunter, with the amount of dark items and arts sold in these shops that knockturn hadn’t been shut down by the ministry itself years ago. but perhaps, you could only really find them if you knew where to look, and the owners could smell a ministry rat from miles away. besides, these shops were decades old, and shutting them down would only force them to relocate and nothing more. nothing ever changed in knockturn alley. as a kid, trips with his father and siblings to this alley had always been irritatingly frightful. it was awfully dark and eerie and completely unlike its counterpart, diagon alley. hunter frowned, his nose turning up in disgust as he straggled through the crowds. he still hated it down here. you’d think those old folks and stragglers would get bored of standing in front of the same stores after a few years and staring at anyone who walked by, but apparently not. they all knew his father, so most of them knew hunter through association. a few even nodded in his direction, greeted him, a nod to which hunter unwillingly returned to some. hunter wasn’t always this … superior in his attitude, but something about this place brought it out of him. defense mechanism perhaps. if he looked busy and angry, people wouldn’t try to talk to him.
hunter was only here to run an errand for his father, to pick up a few things from borgin and burkes. hunter had absolutely no idea what the bloody hell it was as his father hadn’t specified but hunter only hoped that the “items” would be small enough to fit in his backpack. it would be sort of awkward having to walk around with a giant antique wardrobe that tries to eat anyone who touches it. though hunter could not suppose that making him pick up such a wardrobe would be above his father’s demands. ducking into borgin & burkes, hunter found that he was not in fact alone with the shopkeeper. there was a man already at the counter. and, that greasy head could not be mistaken for many others. when the voice spoke, hunter could confirm it’s owner to be none other than severus snape.
hunter allowed a wolf whistle to direct itself at snape’s backside, announcing his arrival as he popped up on his left hand side. “snippy snapey, fancy seeing you in these parts,” he murmured, his lips parting and fastening into a grin. and hunter wasn’t actually kidding about this. in hunter’s opinion, snape never seemed to him as dark as he tried to be, so it was in fact surprising to see him here. snape was one of those fellas that hunter couldn’t decide whether he liked or not. he just knew that the guy was a fun victim to tease. “ you sound so authoritative making those orders, I like a man in charge” he teased, throwing him a wink. turning his head then towards the shopkeeper, he made his order as well. ”I’m here to pick up the Rein goods, but make it snappy will ya, I don’t have all day” he ordered bluntly, a bit of a change in tone from the teasing voice he’d been using on snape.
tag// jillian/snapey clothes// the picture, and with a black backpack notes// turned out to be a bit longer than i wanted it to be, welp. they should be fun ;D
Post by severus allen snape on Jul 16, 2011 23:48:27 GMT -5
NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE THE BAD MAN TO BE THE SAD MAN BEHIND BLUE EYES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clerk seemed to walking towards Severus with a slightly bemused expression plastered on his elderly face, but when he approached the counter his eyes were gazing out past Severus' tangle of black hair. It was almost as if Severus' comment had completely disapparated, and the clerk instead put on a quick grin, something you might show the dark lord if he appeared on your front step asking a favor and then waved Severus away. He was about to get annoyed. Not that he wasn't used to be shoved aside when someone new entered the room, but this wasn't exactly Hogwarts anymore. This was Knockturn Alley. This was somewhere Severus Snape had every right to be, and every right to be treated fairly in. He was seconds away from turning around to face the annoyance behind him when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up..and his arms, though shielded by cloth, broke out into millions of goose bumps.
That was the distinct, sing-song voice of Hunter Rein, and it was mocking Severus like it had mocked him every day at Hogwarts. He couldn't catch a break. In that instant, Severus seemed shrink a few more inches into the ground, his puffed up chest and authoritative air deflated. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. What is he doing here anyway? His thoughts fluttered away and he slowly turned on his heels to face him. "Of course you would like a man in charge. That fake sounding authority of your own doesn't really get you anywhere." Severus choked back the nerves that bubbled up inside him, as they always did when faced with someone obviously more popular than he was. He glanced back at the clerk, hoping beyond all hope that he'd grab Severus his asphodel before fetching the "Rein goods"...it would at least make his statement a little more believable and send him off in a jiffy. However, by the look of things, the Rein family name carried a little more weight. The clerk had forgotten completely the boy with the hook nose and greasy hair.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- three hundred and fifty-four words sorry it's a tad short, but i just gotta get back in the snape groove after.../sniffles the movie!